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Any chance you can pit this game on Steam?

(1 edit) (+1)

Probably not. It costs about £100 to put games on Steam, and I'm unlikely to ever make that much back from it.

You can always add it to your Steam launcher by adding it as a non-steam game, if you just want to be able to launch it through there.


Wow, it is THAT bad, huh?

I was wondering what the fuss is about.

didn't get to pick up It's a pity that I didn't get this game. the discount was 100%, I noticed on the site 100% discount


This games pretty great!  I've been going through the bundle picking games at random to play, and in a sea of unfinished tech demos and asset flipped titles, it's nice to see a cool game with a neat concept that I feel like I haven't seen before.  Only thing that's missing is a good soundtrack.


Thanks! ^.^

Music is about the only area of game dev I don't have covered. It's definitely what's missing, so maybe one day I'll get some for it.


Found this game through the Racial Justice Bundle and it's pretty cool! I'm a musician and I wondered if you'd be interested in me trying to create a score for your game? If you're interested let me know!


Thanks, but I'm not really developing this game any more now. It's nice to know people enjoy it, but I doubt it'll get any more updates.


I would like to see an Android release of this game.

If that'd require the game to be rebuilt from scratch, don't stress over it, I mostly play games on PC and Nintendo Switch anyway.

When I'm able to save more money, I wish to donate some to the developers of the games that I've claimed for free during the quarintine sales, like this one, if that's possible.


Glad you like the game! I've not done an Android game before, but it is on my plans for learning, so maybe one day I'll port some of my older ones across to it, too.

If you want to donate, you can always buy the game again, and set your price. I assume? I've never tried downloading a game twice on here, but I guess it's possible. If not, I've got a (rather neglected) Ko-fi page here:


You don--

Oh… I suppose Patreon would have issues with a collared character, since I've heard they take down projects with slavery, mind control, and brainwashing themes, they'd likely no approve of anthros with collars either…

When I have more money, I'll try to repurchase the game so I can give some money.


it doesnt work on macos with wine


Thanks for this! Does it not work on MacOS at all then?
I couldn't be 100% sure it would as I don't have a Mac to test it on.


It's a neat idea for a game with some very nice art, but I kinda found it a bit slow to get through the puzzles. I think it would be nice if maybe you could alternately use wasd for movement, and also, it was a bit slow to use spacebar to go into psychic-collar-manipulation mode, and that maybe it could be mapped to right-click instead? And perhaps the rotation speed of the blocks could be increased to make it easier to quickly spin them around to get the correct routes. (especially when you accidentally dive off the building after coins and find yourself at the bottom and have to rebuild all the way back up to the top >.<)

Well, best of luck with your games!


Thanks! I know there's some clunkiness to the controls. I've learnt a lot since I did most of the coding for this, so I really need to get back to it and fix it up.